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From design to construction site



A fundamental support to Designers for their activities

Technical Competence Center supports Engineers in every design phase: from feasibility studies to inspections, till executive design.

We follow each phase of the project: calculations in compliance with the applicable National and International regulations (NTC 2018; Eurocodes 7 and 8; FHWA Guidelines, AASHTO Standard Specifications), technical reports, drawings, price analyses, tender specifications and product technical specifications. During the design phase, software and calculation methods specifically implemented for geosynthetics are employed in order to provide reliable and safe solutions.

The activity of the Technical Competence Center continues during the construction phase, when the personnel can be trained directly at the construction site.

“The value of an idea lies in the using of it.”
Thomas Alva Edison

Assitenza progettazione e cantiere Tenax Competence Center